I’ve decided to make 2022 the year I finally live the way I talk.
I’m a huge mindset junkie. I love everything growth mindset, positive thinking, abundance over scarcity, etc.
However, just because I love it, doesn’t mean I always live according to those ideas.
In fact, quite the opposite.
For years, I’ve wrote down my goals and talked about how I want to have a successful blog, YouTube channel, and business. I want to be a published author and be able to to travel extensively with my family. I’m not all about material things, but travel….that’s where I want to spend money LOL
For years, my blog has grown stagnant, my YouTube channel is nonexistent and the only business I help run is my husbands by opening mail and paying bills. And I’ve only got myself to blame.
I didn’t blog because I didn’t know what to write about.
I didn’t start a YouTube channel I was having a bad hair day, the house was messy, and/or I didn’t know what to say.
I didn’t finish my website because of tech issues.
These are just a few of the many excuses that I’ve hidden behind over the years.
Knowing that I’m the only one accountable for my inaction kinda stings a little. But at 45 years old, I’m just beginning to understand that there is magic in the mess and sometimes you just have to START.
I’ve heard that saying over and over for years and just recently, it clicked.
You can hide behind the big goals and talk a big game, but at the end of the day, those goals are just goals if you don’t do something to make them happen.
Maybe I’m right where I’m supposed to be. Maybe it’s taken me all this time to realize that my life is never going to be perfect and I’m always going to make excuses if I don’t just start.
So, this is my first post (again) to jumpstart what I hope to be a very successful blog that will inspire others to simply start and to love themselves just as they are.
I’m constantly working on myself to be a better mom, a better wife, and a better person. It’s a slow process but I love who I am compared to who I used to be.
I want to talk about all the things that matter to me: momlife, parenting, intentional and abundant living, letting go of limiting beliefs, escaping the comparison trap, and embracing who you really are, rather than trying to be like everyone else.
Blessed with a Hot Mess is all about loving the crazy chaos and being grateful for all those moments that make up a perfectly imperfect life.
That’s what I’m trying to do and that’s what I hope to help others to do along the way as well.
How would you like to grow in 2022? Physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually?
Comment below and I’ll talk to you soon!